*** Fall/Winter 2024 Season***
NOTICE to ALL Teams & Players
Please note that this web page is being provided only because a few teams have expressed the desire to be able to see their stats and where they stand with regard to the other teams in the league as they used to pre-pandemic.
I can do this only because it takes very little time to do so and I already have the means and methods in place.
Laura is not involved with my doing this so if you want to have your stats posted here, please text a pic of your scoresheets each week (whether you win or lose) to me at (516) 835-1058 along with texting them to Laura.
Maybe if we can look a little more professional, we can attract some new teams for upcoming seasons.
Tha hardest part of doing this for me is chasing down missing scoresheets so if you'll kindly just text me whatever is missing and send any upcoming ones as soon as the match is over, I would truly appreciate it.
Fall/Winter 2024
Week #6
Team Standings


Schedule & Scores
Individual Top 25 Stats
Indiv Stats All Teams Playoff Schedule
I like to get these stats done on the day after each match. It's very simple for both captains (or any player) to take a pic and send it to my phone (516) 835-1058.
Don't just assume that the other captain is going to send it.
Easiest thing to do is add Laura and myself on a group text and its just one message to send.
**** NOTE ****
The Fall 2023 Season will begin on September 6th.
The Fall 2023 Seaon will be a 14 or 15 week season depending on the number of teams that register. Please let Laura or myself know whether you intend to paly or not.
If we get to 8 teams and can't make 12, you may end up losing out on playing
To be able to participate in the Fall 2023 Season, you must register no later than August 30th
                                           Some People Just Don't Get it !!!!!
Someone sent me the following text message last week (replies are in-line)
1. How does Gentry's John team in the new schedule of last 5 weeks play all bottom teams?
Top 3 from each division play each and bottom 3 from each division play each other also. If you happened to look at the standings in week #9, Gentries John was in the bottom 3. The fact that this was being done was posted at the very beginning of the season (see below) 
2. You don't have a payout plan!
Actually we didn't have a payout plan because not everyone has volunteered to chip-in the $100 yet and Laura was giving the teams extra time to do so. We talked last evening. She has $800, so far so we decided to close the window for the chip-in. Prizes will likely be $500/$300. (for any team that hasn't chipped in yet, that window is now closed).
3. You don't have a playoff plan!
Playoffs are the top 8 teams based on points and that was posted on week #1.
4. I get it. It depends where the 2 tack Room teams end up. Is that it?
Where the Tack Room teams end up is of absolutely no concern to me. I do understand that Laura will likely schedule the final match at the Tack Room and that's her prerogative. I personally don't deny her the opportunity to make it easier for her to be on hand to resolve any disputes durng the final match and be able to immediately pay out the 2 teams at the conclusion of the match.
5. Maybe in the future just have every team play each other once.
With only 6 teams per division, to play each other once would be a 10 week season which is too short. The idea was to allow the teams to see some new faces & bars. Obviously, you don't like that but my goal was to make it more interesting for the rest of the teams in the league and not cater to any single team (including the one that I play on).
6. Have playoff schedules at the beginning of season top 8 teams or all so we know what the hell is going on.
See #3 above (original begining of season posting is below)

In summary.... texts like this are painful reminders of why I quit running the league many years ago.
If I do decide to throw in the towel again, I would like to thank you personally for the money it'll save me on web hosting fees and not having to waste any more time on keeping the web site up-to-date.

*** Schedules for the last 5 weeks are now Posted ***
Note that Daytona's is out of the league and since they only played 3 matches, all of the scores against them are considered a "bye" and only 11 points will be rewarded to each team whether you played against them or not. Any forfeits that your team has at the end of the season, with the exception of the bye's, will be adjusted to your season average.
The schedules for the last 5 weeks were designed to give everyone a little diversity and some different teams to finish out the season against. Basically, the top 3 teams in each division are pitted against each other for these last 5 weeks as are the bottom teams.
Remember that you're playing for fun, it's free for you and your team to join and play and all the work that Laura & I put into it is gratis
** Printable Scoresheets **


The Winter 2023 Season is 15 weeks long.
All teams will have at least 7 Home
games but some will have 8 (just the luck of the draw)
For the bars with 2 teams it doesn't matter as you'll have 15 Home games cumulatively.
Only the 1st 10 weeks of the schedule are being published at this time.

What I'm going to attempt to do (if possible) is to manually create the schedule for the last 5 weeks cross-division matching the better teams (and lesser teams) from each division against each other.
This will add some diversity as you'll play teams that you haven't played against during the 1st 10 weeks.
It should also make these last 5 matches more competitive.

If I can't accomplish this or enough of the captains give me a valid reason why this shouldn't be done,
the last 5 weeks of the season will be identical to the 1st 5 weeks of the season.

Playoffs will begin the week following the last scheduled match of the season.
Only the top 8 teams (based on total points) will be included in the playoffs.
The format will be 1st vs 8th, 2nd vs 7th, etc.